Parking in Madrid can be difficult.
If you don't want to wander around, we offer you car parks where you can reserve your space and save time and money.
If you prefer to park on the street, in the SER area, do it with our official app that allows you to pay for the blue or green area in Madrid without having to go to the parking meter. You will no longer have to look for change or run to renew the ticket.
There are several car parks in Madrid where you can leave your car with total peace of mind whenever you visit. Whether you are going to Madrid for leisure or business, you have the option to book a parking space in one of the public car parks that work with us. You can review all the car park details in the information sheet: opening hours, services offered, parking prices, and how to enter. You can plan everything you need in advance and avoid wasting time looking for parking in Madrid.
If you need to park in Madrid, please note that some streets are subject to municipal regulations that restrict public street parking. Regulated parking laws limit the maximum parking time on certain streets and establishes mandatory parking fees. This limitation usually applies during the day at peak traffic hours. In the street, these parking spaces are marked with blue lines. You can pay for a blue parking zone ticket easily on your mobile phone via the official Madrid parking meter app.
The rates applied are those officially established by Madrid city council.